Belief Systems

[Niko Besnier & Margaret Jolly] Afterword: Shape-Shifting Mana: Travels in Space and Time. In New Mana: Transformations of a Classic Concept in Pacific Languages and Cultures. Matt Tomlinson and Ty P. Kāwika Tengan, eds. Pp. 351–368. Canberra: ANU Press. 2016.

Heteroglossic Discourse on Nukulaelae Spirits. In Spirits in Culture, History, and Mind. Jeannette M. Mageo and Alan Howard, eds. Pp. 75-97. London: Routledge. 1996.

Christianity, Authority, and Personhood: Sermonic Discourse on Nukulaelae Atoll. Journal of the Polynesian Society 103: 339-378. 1994.

See also: Publications on Transnationalism & Modernity, Publications on Political Processes, Publications on Emotions, Publications on Literacy

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